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Category: Branding

Brand refresh

Hartcopy Brand Refresh


Through articles of iconic sneakers both past and present, Hartcopy’s trademark online-editorial-print style soon flooded instagram feeds everywhere, eventually branching out to cover topics on fashion, lifestyle, design and NFTs.

A play on the term “hard copy”, Hartcopy’s original branding paired with immense growth in reach and range of content signalled a need for a stronger identity with ease of ownability.


To refresh the Hartcopy brand


To create a modular brand framework that improves the versatility and usability of the Hartcopy identity, enhancing its design language and further expanding brand territory through recognisability.



The introduction of a modular identity system allows multiple variations of logomark and wordmark combinations, helping to keep brand content fresh and recognisable. The logomark has free play within branded content, making it easy to accommodate collaborations with other brands. Topping it off with a new colour—hartcopy blue, the branding elements are now, depending on use, able to cut through or sit back within imagery. This gives an option between placing emphasis on branding or on content. The Hartcopy blue helps expand visual ground, which in turn, translates to brand recognisability.


Logo process


#01 Original logo

#02 Font exploration

#03 Bold, with rounded edges

#04 Kerned out with an added slant to ‘h’ and ‘t’




Using black and white as the anchor, Hartcopy Grey and Blue were created to give the identity depth beyond iconography. Colour can be a digital real estate tool, too.




‘hc’ as the logomark, short for Hartcopy.

Wordmark combined with logomark to form the logo.


Logo construct.





Second look at the iconography

Sample layouts for individual articles

Sample layout for longform content

Website landing page

Article overview