Category: Illustration
Personal project
"Psychopath” is an outlet for creative freedom, a space I created where being “insane” is normal. Here, you create whatever your imagination can conjure. Inspired by Hannibal, Psychopath is the embodiment of being so good at what you do that the people who do not understand how would simply label you as “crazy” or “insane”. It’s a statement against societal norms and ultimately challenging perspectives.
An introduction
Marking the creation of Psychopath, a series of 2 illustrations were created. The purpose was to challenge societal norms and bring forth a new perspective — what if becoming “crazy” or “insane” is a good thing?
Day 1 - Poisonous
Day 2 - Tranquil
Day 3 - Roasted
Day 4 - Spell
Day 5 - Chicken
Day 6 - Drool